
 Alkaline Water Benefits, Is it Really Helpful for You?

Alkaline water benefits; is it really helpful for you?

Alkaline water benefits? It’s been a controversial topic lately. You have heard things but can’t make up your mind. But there might be another way to make sure. Look at yourself. Do you often feel tired? An annoying headache sometimes? Your body’s state might have become acidic. That might be one of the reasons for your fatigue and low energy  All health experts might disagree on the benefits of alkaline water. But, in case your body is acidic, you should look at your diet and the water you drink. Tahoe Springs Water will bring scientifically backed data about the pros and cons of alkaline water.

What Exactly is Alkaline Water?

The acidity or alkalinity of water is determined by a scale called pH, which ranges from 0 to 14. Scale 7 is the middle point. The point above 7 is alkaline, while below 7 is acidic.

Acidic water is dangerous for your health. It raises the risk of exposure to heavy metals like nickel and copper. You could get vomiting or nausea. In some cases, people get diagnosed with diarrhea.

The pH level in Alkaline water is higher than the normal drinking water. Ordinary water has a pH of 7, while the pH in alkaline water is 8 or 9.

Alkaline water benefits are due to its minerals. The minerals act like vitamins for your body—they assist you to stay healthy and grow.

What are the Alkaline water benefits?

What you eat can make your body more acidic. As explained above, most part of your diet makes your body more acidic. Obesity and diabetes are also common causes of acidity. So you might take the benefits of alkaline water a bit more seriously.

Further hydration to the body

Research shows Ultra-hydrating is one of the Alkaline water benefits. If you work out every day or regularly, you need more hydration. Athletes or workers get dehydrated soon. It is particularly true in the hot climate of Las Vegas. You need to drink more to keep your hydration level.

What if you don’t have access to water or can’t drink more? Alkaline water provides the hydration you need with reasonable drinking.

In other words, your body cells can consume the smaller molecules of alkaline water better than water with neutral pH. So the alkaline leads to quick rehydration.

Is dehydration serious?

According to New York Post, more than half of the US adults do not get to drink enough water because they are busy with their daily schedule or just forget to drink enough water. The article was published in September 2020 and studied 20.000 citizens. It was revealed that only 22% of the participants drank enough water recommended by the USDA.

Three out of ten of the participants said that they don’t drink enough water because they are buys, and 23% or one quarter said that they forget to drink water. People might be unaware of the importance of drinking water every day.

Staying hydrated is necessary to be healthy every day, especially during the hot season. But It’s also important during winter as you lose water during the cold season as well.

The article also indicates that 14 of the participants track how much water they drink through an app on their smartphone. Also, 15 of them wrote down the amount of drunk water per day with a pen in a notebook. It’s a useful way to monitor how much water you drink to ensure your hydration.

About 50% of the participants in the New York Post article said that they feel fresh and lively when drinking enough water during the day. One-quarter of them also stated to have a good night’s sleep when drinking the appropriate amount of water which is significant.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the participants had to work from home. More than one-third of them said that they had been drinking more water while working from home.

Get rid of heavy metals

You can find heavy metals everywhere. The mercury in fish is one instance. They have surrounded you in your daily life. You might not know, but heavy metals are in:

  • Air
  • Cosmetics
  • Pollutants
  • Fuels

One of the alkaline water benefits is to help detoxify your body. As alkaline raises your pH level, your body can get rid of heavy metals.

With the benefits of alkaline water, your kidneys can fight heavy metals better. They can have efficient filtration. This technique is used in the face of drug poisoning caused by some drugs.

In some cases, doctors may use acidification. They increase the pH level of a poisoned person’s urine to save his/her life. The result of alkaline water on your body is the same.

The more the pH level of urine, the kidneys are working at a higher level.

Balance your pH level

There is an association between low pH levels and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is the medical term to describe a bunch of disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), obesity, etc. It is a bunch of medical disorders like:

  • Obesity
  • Bone Loss
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure

How to know about metabolic syndrome? Check your pH level. The lower the pH level of your urine, the more likely you are to develop metabolic syndrome. Drinking alkaline water is one of the useful ways to help you to avoid such conditions.

You need more energy

Do you often feel tired? Are you out of breath after a short physical exercise? It might mean your body is in an acidic state. It is blocking your lungs from getting enough oxygen.

The exhaustion often comes to you in the afternoon. It is because your lungs need more water for better performance. The benefits of alkaline water will boost your energy level. It keeps the dehydration better so that you won’t feel tired in the afternoon.

The alkalinity helps to improve muscle cramps due to lactic acid accumulation. Lactic acid causes a burning sensation that is not good for your fitness—the shorter the burning sensation, the better performance. So athletes use alkaline water before working out. It helps them keep high performance.

Do you often wonder why you feel more energetic while mountain climbing? Yes, there might be several reasons for it. But, the alkaline water you drink from the spring or rivers is among them.

Newsmax health review also proves the effects of alkaline water to increase energy levels. It states that too much acid in your body will lead to fatigue or exhaustion.

Benefits of alkaline water for blood pressure and diabetes

The Chinese researchers studied people with high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. The candidates drank alkaline water for six months. Then they had lower measures in the three mentioned disorders or complications.

In 2016, another group of researchers conducted a different test. They discovered that 100 people who consumed high-pH electrolyte water had lower blood viscosity after working out. The lower your blood viscosity, the lower your cardiovascular strain. Dehydration is one of the underlying factors in cardiovascular strain.

Acid reflux

Do you feel a burning sensation right in the middle of your chest? It is acid reflux. It has other symptoms, like a bad taste in your mouth due to the acid in your stomach.

When the acidic contents of your stomach go back to your food pipe (esophagus), you have acid reflux. A long term acid reflux can lead to GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)

It could lead to chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and a sense of a lump in your throat.

A study by Annals of Otology discovered that alkaline water reduces the acidity of the contents of your stomach.

Alkaline water can help you lose weight

People who do not work out, eat junk food, and have an unhealthy lifestyle have heard that drinking alkaline water helps them lose weight. But is it so?

The answer is no. Alkaline water can not lead to weight loss on its own, and you need to consider a few other points.

First, it does not have any magical or natural features to cause weight loss. At least science has not found anything yet. But alkaline water can lead to weight loss if you know how it leads to weight loss.

Water is a calorie-free drink. It means if you drink water, you receive zero calories. But it is not the same for other beverages that you enjoy during the day. This is the number of calories in common drinks we have every day:

Coca Cola 350ml 137kcal
Cider 350ml 129kcal
Coffee w. Milk 250ml 115kcal
Milk Tea 340ml 105kcal
30% Pure Orange Juice 200ml 102kcal
100% Pure Orange Juice 200ml 80kcal
Vitamin Drink 140ml 4.8oz 60kcal
Low-sugar Coffee 190ml 38kcal
Beer 100 grams 43 calories

The above drinks are samples of the calories you take every day. It might not sound much, but if you have them every day and add the total calories, you will find out how many extra calories you are taking.

If you switch to alkaline water, you will receive zero calories and it will help you lose weight. Alkaline water prevents you from drinking calorie drinks and gaining weight which leads to weight loss.

As the taste of alkaline water is better than tap water, you are likely to drink more water and avoid the drinks and beverages. So it could lead to further weight loss.

Alkaline water and the need to drink more water by aging

A study which was published in September 2020 in the Journal of Physiology indicates that as you age, you need to drink more water. Researchers indicate that aging causes changes in temperature regulation in the body. So It’s necessary for seniors to drink more water to compensate for these changes.

The study further stresses that dehydration leads to:

  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Heat exhaustion

Health experts are encouraging seniors to drink more water even if they do not feel thirsty. It would be better for the elderly to replace soda and alcoholic drinks with water or at least have mostly water during the day.

One good way to ensure hydration among the elderly is alkaline water. As it has a better taste compared to tap water, the seniors are encouraged to drink more water.

If they knew about the many benefits of alkaline water, they would have more incentive to drink alkaline water.

Why Using Alkaline Water Matter?

People in Las Vegas have long complained about the quality of tap water. The new studies indicate that the more acidic water, the higher the bad results for your body.

Acidic water could be the main cause of:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Lack of energy

Most of your diet is also acidic. The below list of food causes more acidity in your body:

  • Dairy products
  • Wheat
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco

Not only being acidic in nature, but you use them a lot in your daily life. You need to make your body balanced. It is one of the Alkaline water benefits.

Disease and acidic body

Illnesses are also a common reason for changes in the pH of your blood. The below list of diseases makes your blood more acidic:

  • Inflammation
  • Heart failure
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Chronic pain

Your body is the perfect system that balances its acidity. But the water you drink and diet might interfere with the natural system of the body.

When you read about the benefits of alkaline water, you will notice if you have the disorders or not. That’s when the benefits of alkaline water help you.

Health experts recommend a diet that’s 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. Such a diet can make your body balanced. As most people can’t follow such a diet, they turn to Alkaline water benefits.

What are the pros and cons of alkaline water?

You’d better know about alkaline water’s pros and cons before you try it. It is good for almost everyone, but you should know this information and consider them before your consumption.

A 202 study by Mariantonia Logozzi and her team showed that alkaline water could help with decreasing aging. A 2018 study by Mariantonia Logozzi and her team indicates that alkaline water can help with fatty liver disease. A small 2018 study indicated that alkaline water could help with the participant’s stool

In a 2016 study by Joseph Weidman, the blood viscosity of participants who drank alkaline water was improved.

A 2021 study by Sanaz Fasihi says that alkaline water can help with bone density.

Alkaline water is generally safe, and there is no study that says it is unhealthy, but it might have cons for your conditions. Alkaline water might change your body and make it produce hydrochloric acid. It is to regulate the stomach’s pH levels and achieve homeostasis. You’d better consult with a health expert before drinking alkaline water if you suffer from a particular health condition.

Are there drawbacks to alkaline water?

According to the reports, there are a few disadvantages to alkaline water. You may suffer from them if you drink too much. “Too much of a good thing won’t be good anymore.”

For instance, too much alkaline could kill the necessary bacteria in your stomach. It could affect your digestion. Skin irritation is another disorder.

If you drink one bottle of alkaline water every day, there won’t be a problem. As not all the water you drink is alkaline. The pH level is different with them. Most of the water we drink has a low pH level.

You need to be worried about drinking too much alkaline water. You keep the balance; your body knows what to do.

The other problem you might face is the brand. There are many alkaline water companies available in the market. You’d better choose one that is reliable. Most ordinary brands don’t put the required additives. Tahoe Spring water has been in Las Vegas since 1994.

Is alkaline water beneficial for cancer?

Acidification of Tumor at Stromal Boundaries Drives Transcriptome Alterations Associated with Aggressive Phenotypes is research indicating that tumors are acidic. It can create a good environment for the tumors to grow. During the lab research, scientists witnessed tumors grow in an acidic container, and their growth decreased in alkalinity.

So some people argue that alkaline water can aid cancer treatment and even prevent it.

But what does science say about it?

There is a lack of evidence that alkaline water can aid in treating or preventing cancer. The researches indicate that alkaline water can not cure cancer, and no findings favor the trend.

ASCO, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, has announced that alkaline water has no feature or ability to cure or prevent cancer or tumors. Alkaline water can quench your third, provide further hydration, and benefit from the minerals. But the magical or natural cure for cancer people have long desired is not true by science. However, future research could say another thing. At the moment, do not be misled by false claims. If someone among your relatives suffers from cancer, stick to a health expert’s medical plan.

According to the ASCO American Society of Oncology, the first mention of the benefits of alkaline water for cancer was by Robert O. Young. He published a book named “pH Miracle” and explained that alkaline water can treat cancer.  Young had to go to jail and pay a $105 million fine to the man who refused normal cancer treatment and chose alkaline water.

How to Get Most of the Alkaline Water Benefits?

Your body controls the pH level in a perfect way. But as most part of our diet is acidic, your body often has the challenge to be balanced. The cups of coffee, smoke, or the delicious honey tea you have are all acidic.

You need to make sure to drink enough alkaline water. Water knows what to do in your body. This way, you get most of the benefits of alkaline water.

You could also take advantage of alkaline foods—most fruits, vegetables, and nuts are alkaline in nature. But you might not be able to have them every day or everywhere.

Benefits of Alkaline Water, Yes or No?!

Health experts have announced they need more proof of the benefits of alkaline water. But some have declared that diet and water are making your body more acidic.

Coffee, tea, and sugar are a few examples, as mentioned in the text. A few common diseases also might cause your body to become acidic, like diabetes and obesity. So, you might need to take alkaline water a bit more seriously.

Alkaline water is NOT the water of life. Yet, it can make your body more balanced. Bear in mind that “too much of a good thing is bad.” So, balance is good in everything.

Call Tahoe springs water at (702) 433-4545 and get the best and healthiest Alkaline water in Las Vegas. Tahoe has been providing services since 1994 in the valley. Order online at any time.

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